Car Insurance Quotes


New Member
Have you noticed that car insurance premiums are on the increase? I mean, everything is getting more and more expensive these days, but some things do appear to shoot up a little faster than others – especially for new or young drivers. How are young drivers supposed to ever afford can insurance these days?
Of course, the problem is with this vicious circle, that many young drivers can't afford insurance and actually drive without it, have accidents without it which of course increases the premiums for those who do pay. It seems so unfair but it's the way of the world. Wow, I didn't mean to get so gloomy, I know, let's look at ways we can all actually save money on our car insurance – that should help
WOW, after 8 years in the business, This makes total sense to me.

You make this sound like it's a failing career because no one can afford insurance anymore. Guess I should get out of the business. I bet I could do better flipping burgers huh?
I love insuring kids that drive sports cars and have a DUI's.
The second post should be interesting. Will it point to a link? Will it tout a lead company? Will it be another interesting observation?

Or...Is this a one and done poster?

I was waiting for the link in this thread he's got some set up momentum going.
Have you noticed that car insurance premiums are on the increase? I mean, everything is getting more and more expensive these days, but some things do appear to shoot up a little faster than others – especially for new or young drivers. How are young drivers supposed to ever afford can insurance these days?
Of course, the problem is with this vicious circle, that many young drivers can't afford insurance and actually drive without it, have accidents without it which of course increases the premiums for those who do pay. It seems so unfair but it's the way of the world. Wow, I didn't mean to get so gloomy, I know, let's look at ways we can all actually save money on our car insurance – that should help

Young people can afford car insurance the same way they afford college: premium financing by the federal government. If Obama care excites you, wait until you see the Obama car program.

4 more years!
Most state have a plan for liability only policy that cost about $350 a year. Just buy that since you might have a junk car that only needs liability ins.

Go luck kid!!