Care Unimprovement Plus Complaint


1000 Post Club
I just spent this entire morning responding to a TDI complaint from AEP 2007! The effective date was 11/1/2007-- and the State just forwarded the complaint to me. Seems a customer was persuaded by a home health provider, or pharmacist, or know it all relative to lie so he could get out of lock in. CIP customer service is rumored to tell their new enrollees to file a complaint if they want to get out of lock in! How in the world is an agent to remember one of the hundreds of customers from a year and a half ago? All I have to go on is my copy of the app. I guess the only thing that takes longer to clear than a Parker & Asses escrow account is a TDI complaint through CIP..? :1baffled:
I had a case like yours. What saved my butt was the marketing materials, the application, and my meeting notes. The client admitted she lied in order to be slammed by her Humana agent. I've not heard anything more about this case.

Read the fine print portion of your application. You may be able to build your defense on what they signed.

On September 11, 2008 Kerry Weems (Acting CMS Admin.) promised in a senate hearing to grant "Retroactive Disenrollments" via the CMS call centers. :skeptical:
I had a case like yours. What saved my butt was the marketing materials, the application, and my meeting notes. The client admitted she lied in order to be slammed by her Humana agent. I've not heard anything more about this case.

Read the fine print portion of your application. You may be able to build your defense on what they signed.

On September 11, 2008 Kerry Weems (Acting CMS Admin.) promised in a senate hearing to grant "Retroactive Disenrollments" via the CMS call centers. :skeptical:

The strange thing is I had several complaints while I was selling CIP. All were people that claimed they never signed their applications. Each time I produced the signed app and all was well... After this kept up I ceased selling CIP. A fellow agent, who had the same problem with them, told me that if an enrollee calls in to their customer service to gripe, they tell the customer that the only way to get out of lock in is to file a complaint on the agent. I can just see the $10/hour service reps explanation: "According to CMS, if anyone calls in to complain, we have to provide them instructions on filing complaints..."
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