Do all MedSupps waive pre-ex if the person is signing up within 6 mo. of t65, but with gap in coverage prior to enrolling in MedSupp


1000 Post Club
The title says it.
The byline on BCBS app doesn't clarify what counts to waive the 6 month pre-ex exclusion. All mgmt is busy and help desk......
I'm on a low carb. eating plan because I'm riddled with vanity and shallow af so forgive me if I didn't comprehend ... isn't it ALWAYS a G.I. right T65 or am I mixing that up with the 3-1-3 I.E.P b.s...? I mean, if they are going to be G.I. in another 3 mos. anyways ... what's the point of denying coverage 6 mos. out?
I go with No too. I know for sure that Trans had a clause in the app that said if you were coming in with no insurance they would levy a 6-month pre-existing exclusion. Could still be a thing somewhere.
The title says it.
The byline on BCBS app doesn't clarify what counts to waive the 6 month pre-ex exclusion. All mgmt is busy and help desk......
I believe in VA if you are replacing an existing med supp the 6 mo pre ex is waived. ( on an Anthem plan). You asked about BCBS, my answer is on Anthem.
I go with No too. I know for sure that Trans had a clause in the app that said if you were coming in with no insurance they would levy a 6-month pre-existing exclusion. Could still be a thing somewhere.
I gotta be miss'n it ... So they gonna say ... "nope, come back to us in 3 mos. when you ARE G.I. ..?"
I go with No too. I know for sure that Trans had a clause in the app that said if you were coming in with no insurance they would levy a 6-month pre-existing exclusion. Could still be a thing somewhere.
Very few companies have that. Humana does. I knew of another, but forgot who it was.
Had this come up with Anthem a few months back, so I asked about pre-ex for Medigap applicants. Here is the response . . .

The 6-month waiting period applies to all Medicare Enrollments unless you have prior coverage or qualify for OEP or a GI situation. Underwritten applications without creditable coverage also have a waiting period.

Example: The member has no pre-existing conditions or pending treatments for a heart condition within the six months before their coverage effective date with Anthem. They answered 'no' to heart-related questions. In the second month of having Med Supp coverage, Anthem will cover the treatments if they have a heart attack. However, if the member was treated for the condition without prior coverage, the 6-month waiting period would apply.