CARRIER suggestion


male 75 CA. ( so no GTL) non smoker, 5.8 200#
direct express only
bipolar and copd inhaler
I saw MOO graded.. $50.00 premium for $4500 benefit
thinking not enough value for this person
any other carriers.. telesales only. or if f2f sacramento agent
male 75 CA. ( so no GTL) non smoker, 5.8 200#
direct express only
bipolar and copd inhaler
I saw MOO graded.. $50.00 premium for $4500 benefit
thinking not enough value for this person
any other carriers.. telesales only. or if f2f sacramento agent
send him to me
male 75 CA. ( so no GTL) non smoker, 5.8 200#
direct express only
bipolar and copd inhaler
I saw MOO graded.. $50.00 premium for $4500 benefit
thinking not enough value for this person
any other carriers.. telesales only. or if f2f sacramento agent

Really? The guy's got one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel.

Don't take this wrong, but if you're thinking that there "Isn't enough value" for this guy, for a product he can't even have, then you're in the wrong business. This guy would OBVIOUSLY be lucky to get such a large face amount for that price... But again, he can't have it!
I'm lmao .Moo graded is only a few $'s more than there level plan . Plus Moo and Gtl won't take it as they don't take direct express . Prosperity for the win at around $75 for $$4500 . They'll take DE and that will be Graded at 30% first yr and 70% second yr . Now that Trans is in the junk yard an aggressive carrier that allows DE will get tons of business as so few take . A carrier told me they don't take de mostly because the avg DE client is in worse health and mortality higher . I thought about it and I totally agree . I wrote a ton with Trans and they were definitely sicker .