Changes to Part D for Seniors in Doughnut Hole

No worries. This society is coming to an end. Way too much hate around the world. Time for a cleansing - maybe the phony global warming.

Would everyone be happier if you could have Bush back?
What you really mean is that other people and their insurance will pay 1/2 the cost of the drug when the medicare part d client is in the doughnut hole.

This is not a needs based issue. Everyone get the discount. Keep your eyes open for an across the board increase in medication costs.

Wouldn't the easiest thing to do is to get rid of the doughnut hole, add a $500 annual deductible applying to everyone except for LIS?


I always figured that the coverage gap, while obviously awkward and confusing, was a way to give give members the most coverage up front with the least cost. In other words, a way around having a high deductible on the plan (which everybody would have had to pay and probably would have caused a lot more complaining upfront in 2005) or else having Part D cost the taxpayers a lot more than it already does. For everything to be equal my guess is that the deductible would probably have to be more like 1000 if not more. Consider that on the "standard" plan the deductible is already about $300. Part D plans without a deductible are "enhanced" copay plans that the carriers offer that have been approved by CMS.