Checking In During COVID-19

Christopher Davis

New Member
Hey everyone, life/health broker from Virginia checking in with you all. Wanted to get a sense of how COVID-19 is impacting the E&O world.

Have your leads been impacted? Do you find it easier or harder to sell during this time? I've been wondering as a few of my mates who are licensed to sell business insurance are having it tough during this time.

I was wondering how your experience has been, and if you have any tips for them as we all try to pull through these difficult times as a society and as brokers.

I am 100% commercial p&c. I've been using this time to beef up my networks and go back to clients and ask for referrals, but frankly I'm spending most of this time getting caught up on admin stuff. Plus, I have a referral system I use that netted me a whole bunch of referrals that I didn't have time to call on until this thing hit, so I'm calling on those too.

If I didn't already have an established book and plenty of referrals, my advice would be to use this time to beef up networks, and watch lots of video's and practice how to ask for referrals, and practice it on clients, and tweak it. For the commercial brokers, they should be figuring out how to ask for referrals to the mentors, neighbors, customers, vendors and partners of clients they already have.

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