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I'm wondering if there's a market that specializes in this niche? If anyone has any experience in it please let me know. My Father was the Area manager in the NorthEastern seablock Maryland to Mass. including VT, Penn. and all inbetween for a chemical company who worked with distributors, manufacturers (mainly metal plating on plastic) and other things such as Harley Davidson etc. He has over 500 contacts and may be getting licensed soon to work with me on this. I don't know the players in the market, but he has 40+ years relationship as a valued source of information for making their problems go away, he's a chemist and speaks their lingo. I think this could be a home run as I'm sure these are large accounts: equipment breakdown, business stopage, liability through the roof, caustic chemicals, pollution exposure, property, fleet, you name it.
They also have a large business for metal on metal plating, things like circuit boards, chrome plated anything . . .
They also have a large business for metal on metal plating, things like circuit boards, chrome plated anything . . .