Child Only Health Insurance - California


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
Why did CA decide it was illegal for CARRIERS to require (mandate) parents buy health insurance before their children could be covered, but it is not (yet) considered illegal for OBAMACRAP to require all citizens to have health insurance?

I guess it depends on what your definition of a mandate is . . .
Because carriers are big bad evil insurance companies and the other are poor little children. Makes for good politics, unlike the law of large numbers which no one wants to understand.

CA is a blue, Robin Hood, socialist state that is going to bankrupt its citizens before it is all over.
Seems a bit disingenuous to say carriers who issue mandates are evil but the government is not.
What's more amazing is the government set up their own "come one come all" pool to exclude anyone who has been covered in the previous six months. What's up Obama....a bit too much risk to take people immediately with conditions?
What's more amazing is the government set up their own "come one come all" pool to exclude anyone who has been covered in the previous six months. What's up Obama....a bit too much risk to take people immediately with conditions?

They are hoping against hope the poor schmuck gets a job with benefits (paid by the employer at 100%) before they have to take them. Good luck there.
Child-Only DENTAL plans for 2014 are ready for the Exchange, in stand-alone versions, and as part of a parent's QHP.

Story: KIDS

From Covered California's Executive Director, Peter Lee:

"None of the plans have waiting periods for coverage, Lee said, meaning that coverage starts on the first of the month after a policy is purchased. Unlike many currently available plans, Lee noted, the exchange dental plans have no cap on out-of-pocket expenditures in a calendar year."

This (supposedly) smart guy is bragging about the fact that there is no limit to how much money parents can spend in Co-insurance? :D

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