Children from California Could Lack of Low-Cost Health Insurance


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State officials from California want to cap the list of people registered in the health insurance system based on children of the poor working people. The authorities stated that this decision can come because of too many new clients who take upon the insurance health system.
But advocates say that if the Healthy Families Program needs such a drastic change, this would be the hardest decision to be taken in a 10-year history time. Lesley Cummings, the executive director of the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board, said that nearly 162,750 children would have to wait almost six months before being checked by a doctor.
The program now gives medical insurance for almost 900,000 children and an averaged 27,000 kids are subscribed every month. If no action is taken, the system will reach a $17.2 million loss. A decision is expected to be taken in December and the waiting list will also be settled on December 18.
Cummings stated that if the board doesn’t cut the enrollment now, worse actions will be necessary taken later. "Capping enrollment, rather than eliminating coverage that a child currently has, seems the preferable path," he added. The bad thing is that kids who come from families who earn up to %250 of the federal poverty level are eligible for this health program.
Incomes of $3,667 a month divided to a family of three are $4,417 a month divided to a family of four makes it possible for the parents to subscribe their children to the Healthy Families Program. Those who are below this line get healthcare through Medi-Cal program.
We have a "chips" program here in TX { childrens health ins program} and they are constantly "recruiting" the poor and middle income folks to join, because they have a lack of people joining it- who qualify. As a matter of fact, most hospitals, here , have a person stationed in admissions who handles "the signing up of" kids into this program.

So these programs are out there, but people are not informed -on how to join. The funding for these programs eventually dries up. It's not managed well, for sure. We constantly get stories on our news, here, about how we have the most children uninsured-more than any other state, yet we have one of the lower amounts of people joining their kids- into chips.
They do actual campaigns- to sign people up.

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