Clients Still Don't Receive Any Invoice or Information About Their Plan?


New Member
Has anyone had any experience with co op ?
none of my clients received invoices or information about their plan until now. ( even for clients enrolled on Nov 15th)
Other companies such as Humana, BCBS already sent out everything.
Not sure which co-op you're referring to, but some companies are way behind the ball with getting info out.

I had clients get certs in March, when they applied in October for a 1/1 effective. I have clients I enrolled a month ago that still haven't been billed (and I wouldn't be surprised if the bill comes after the effective date, again.)

If you have the exchange confirmation, that's great. You can inquire with the carrier directly as long as you are BOR and find the status. Other than that, it's a waiting game.
My state's co-op had an issue where cms posted the non-smoker rates on for the smokers. Since the Co-op's systems were automated to generate cards and policy info only AFTER receiving FULL payment, nothing was sent out since they only received a partial payment. Fun Times explaining that one.... Oh, and they all get a SEP in case they want to shop around again :twitchy:
You must be in TN, jstocking. That happened here. But I heard nothing about a SEP.

I am in Tn, how very astute of you!

One of my clients was able to produce the letter that was sent explaining the issue. According to hc .gov/sep-list/ it falls under the "display error" SEP. The letter also stated that they would have the opportunity to choose a different plan as well.
Interesting. Do you know when they enrolled? Mine did not receive letters, or if they did, did not call me about them. When I was told of the error in December, I reached out to affected clients but none changed plans.

In another interesting turn of events, it appears that CHA is no longer being sold on the exchange. I just finished an enrollment with a client and CHA plans did not come up as an option. Problem with the website or problem with CHA?
Interesting. Do you know when they enrolled? Mine did not receive letters, or if they did, did not call me about them. When I was told of the error in December, I reached out to affected clients but none changed plans.

In another interesting turn of events, it appears that CHA is no longer being sold on the exchange. I just finished an enrollment with a client and CHA plans did not come up as an option. Problem with the website or problem with CHA?

Tennessee Insurer Hits Enrollment Goals, Removes Plans From Federal Marketplace.

The Tennessean Share to FacebookShare to Twitter (1/16, Fletcher) reports that Community Health Alliance of Knoxville, Tennessee has removed its health insurance plans from the Federal marketplace as of Jan. 15 because it has reached its enrollment goals after "the first two months of open enrollment." According to the article, CHA decided to remove its plans because it "wanted to make sure that it could maintain reliable customer service for those it had enrolled rather than tax its infrastructure with more enrollees." The article reports, "This is the first such case of an insurer taking its products off the market over demand, said a spokesman for U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in Washington, D.C."

Community Health pulls plans after meeting ACA goals
Quick, too many people want our product, pull it from the market!

According to Tennessee Health Insurance Exchange |, this carrier has not only the cheapest and the reference silver plans, but the 8 cheapest silvers as far as I can tell.

By pulling this product, everyone enrolling now is entitled to about $200/year in extra subsidy.

I wonder how they're going to handle that...
Yeah, I was just posting about the same thing on the Individual Insurance thread on co-ops.

Based on my enrollments today, the next cheapest carrier is now coming in at roughly the same prices that the co-op was two days ago.