Have a question about subsidy on ACA application....


I am helping a friend who qualifies for a subsidy enroll in ACA on Health.gov for 1/1/22.Application for ACA has been completed and approved.When I select the plan it does not show subsidy reduction in premium before I submit the plan.are you supposed to see the premium reduction before application for plan is submitted?
I am helping a friend who qualifies for a subsidy enroll in ACA on Health.gov for 1/1/22.Application for ACA has been completed and approved.When I select the plan it does not show subsidy reduction in premium before I submit the plan.are you supposed to see the premium reduction before application for plan is submitted?

First, look at the elig letter, if it doesn't show a monthly tax credit amount, then she doesn't qualify for tax credits, or you filled out the application/income wrong.

Yes, if elig for aptc, it should show the reduced price when picking plan
First, look at the elig letter, if it doesn't show a monthly tax credit amount, then she doesn't qualify for tax credits, or you filled out the application/income wrong.

Yes, if elig for aptc, it should show the reduced price when picking plan

So can application be application be amended?I don't know how I missed entering all the income information.I have not submitted the plan choice yet.thanks for your help
I had the same issue and simply issued a new policy in its place with the subsidy. Not sure if it's the correct way to do it but we never took payment on the unsubsidized one.
So can application be application be amended?I don't know how I missed entering all the income information.I have not submitted the plan choice yet.thanks for your help

Log in, hit 2022 plans, on left side choose one of the fields that has "report a life change" and re do app and ask for financial help, and then insert income