Closer in search

I can sound like anything to you. Apparently the truth is grumpy to you?

But you don't know the truth. You should get introduced to the truth. It's obvious you have never met it.

11 hours driving max at 65 MPH is 715 miles. Casket might ship next day but it isn't getting there for 2-3 days for the vast majority of the country. Certainly not getting to my area in 2 days
Like i said I'm not sure of the shipping method used. Maybe delivered by truck for areas closer by?
I never lie. And I don't put people into a new contestability period either. So, you are not only dishonest, you are stupid too.

And I can prove you lie.
You just namecall. There's a difference.
Looks like you are the one doing the name calling.

OK school Prove I've been
And you should be ashamed of replacing all those policies and putting the seniors in a brand new 2 year contestability period. How much lying do you do to the peope when you are replacing a policy? You are the liar.
You sure they have to start a new contestabily period ?

Isn't the contestability period a little different when replacing life insurance in Kentucky?

Can you explain ?
One business day after death certicate is received? In this area, the deceased is in the ground long before the death certificate is issued
Most carriers require a death certificate to pay a claim. Otherwise the beneficiary could call the carrier and say the insured has passed away and then have the check paid to the benficiary ...all while the insured is in the other room. Maybe you are referring to a preneed or prepaid funeral?
Most carriers require a death certificate to pay a claim. Otherwise the beneficiary could call the carrier and say the insured has passed away and then have the check paid to the benficiary ...all while the insured is in the other room. Maybe you are referring to a preneed or prepaid funeral?
Not on a contestable policy.