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Here's the final ruling. Looks like I'm pretty much out of business. (The link to the 45 page document is on Craig Ritter's blog, www.ritterim.com).
CMS Issues Interim Final Rule on Brokers Commissions « Ritter Insurance Marketing
CMS Issues Interim Final Rule on Brokers Commissions
November 10, 2008 by Craig
I had a long day today (seminar this morning, lunch meeting then 6 hours on the road). I had a chance talk with several people on the phone during my drive regarding CMS's Interim Final rule which revolves around broker/independent agent's commissions.
Thanks to "Jack" for the link to the rule, here it is: http://federalregister.gov/OFRUpload/OFRData/2008-27041_PI.pdf.
If you go to page 17, you'll see that Health Plans have two options. In short, I can't see how a health plan will be able to pay more than $200/year for 5 years for replacement in 2009.
There seems to be no appreciation for the fact that the independent agent is the only source (save the Medicare Plan Finder for the 0.1% of Medicare Beneficiaries with the technical background to operate the website and understanding of risk, etc., to evaluate plans) for the Medicare Beneficiary to have a professional review their situation and evaluate, doctor and hospital networks, formularies and drug co-pays, plan premiums, plan benefits, value added benefits, etc., to make an educated recommendation.
There also seems to be no appreciation for the time the independent agent spends with their client resolving issues with the plan.
It's been a long day and I'm tired, I'll blog more later, just felt compelled to share the bad news. . .I'll fill in more of the blanks tomorrow . . .
Sorry to be the bearer of news even worse than I expected.
CMS Issues Interim Final Rule on Brokers Commissions « Ritter Insurance Marketing
CMS Issues Interim Final Rule on Brokers Commissions
November 10, 2008 by Craig
I had a long day today (seminar this morning, lunch meeting then 6 hours on the road). I had a chance talk with several people on the phone during my drive regarding CMS's Interim Final rule which revolves around broker/independent agent's commissions.
Thanks to "Jack" for the link to the rule, here it is: http://federalregister.gov/OFRUpload/OFRData/2008-27041_PI.pdf.
If you go to page 17, you'll see that Health Plans have two options. In short, I can't see how a health plan will be able to pay more than $200/year for 5 years for replacement in 2009.
There seems to be no appreciation for the fact that the independent agent is the only source (save the Medicare Plan Finder for the 0.1% of Medicare Beneficiaries with the technical background to operate the website and understanding of risk, etc., to evaluate plans) for the Medicare Beneficiary to have a professional review their situation and evaluate, doctor and hospital networks, formularies and drug co-pays, plan premiums, plan benefits, value added benefits, etc., to make an educated recommendation.
There also seems to be no appreciation for the time the independent agent spends with their client resolving issues with the plan.
It's been a long day and I'm tired, I'll blog more later, just felt compelled to share the bad news. . .I'll fill in more of the blanks tomorrow . . .
Sorry to be the bearer of news even worse than I expected.