Combined Insurance



Has anyone here ever worked for, or sold for Combined Insurance? It a strong and sound company.
Google " Rip Of Reports" pull up Combined Ins. very intertaining stories about agents experience with Combined.
I worked there for 2 months I can tesify those stories are right on the money.
The average tenure of any new agent with a captive is 1-2 months max

70% will wash out in 3 months

80% will wash out in 6 months

95% will wash out in 12 months

Only 5% will remain after that. That is why all captive are recruiting engine.
The average tenure of any new agent with a captive is 1-2 months max

70% will wash out in 3 months

80% will wash out in 6 months

95% will wash out in 12 months

Only 5% will remain after that. That is why all captive are recruiting engine.

You always seem to spout off about stuff - could you please share with us the data that supports the above statements and stats?

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Tell you what...if you are a new agent it would probably do you well to sign up with them and go through their training then go somewhere else. They have excellent sales training.
I agree, They do have good training. Their training is like insurance bootcamp. I would actually like to go thru their training again but that where it ends,
I've been told things used to be worse than what they are now. There are more products being sold, leads for given to you, and there is no competition between agents. From what I understand so far, compensation is great. Sales training is two weeks, and I'll be going soon. Thanks for the feedback guys, good or bad its appreciated.