Combined Insurance?

Network Insurance in Palm Harbor FL is an FMO owned by Amerilife.

Got it, I think! haha

So, Combined isn't so bad, but Amerilife is suspect? Or is it like so many others, some good experiences, some bad..... I seriously doubt any FMOs have a 100% approval rating, we are dealing with people and money.....:laugh:
So, Combined isn't so bad, but Amerilife is suspect?
Here in Florida, Amerilife has a senior agency operation that has a little bit of a checkered past (complete disclosure - never worked there).

Can't really see how someone two or three levels down in their upline can have a problem with them. What effect can it have?

Fact: there are a bunch of agents on this board (the ones that contracted through Stastny come to mind) who have Amerilife in their upline - and don't even know it! When it comes to criticizing them, they are parrots (lemmings?) who have no idea what they're talking about.
Just getting into the posting game. I've been reading this site for 3 years or so! Interestingly, I have had great dealings with Network, but I have run into issues with Amerilife, which I recognize is different, but still one in the same.
Fact: there are a bunch of agents on this board (the ones that contracted through Stastny come to mind) who have Amerilife in their upline - and don't even know it! When it comes to criticizing them, they are parrots (lemmings?) who have no idea what they're talking about.
:D this would be me! haha. found out yesterday, all my contracts with Frank were through Amerilife. Go figure!

At any rate, I'm moving out of state and getting a release from my current upline. I'll be GA in TN, working totally independently. Trying to figure out if I should just transfer over my contracts to Amerilife through Anthony (the ones I want to use in TN, that is) or check around for better contracts.

If I am correct, and I just transfer my contracts, I'll keep the same writing number and not have to re-do all the contract paperwork through the individual companies. Is that right?

Any advice would be good. I've spoken with a couple of other FMOs, but am unsure what would be the best thing to do.
If you change to a new FMO you will have to complete new paperwork. if you are changing from one agency to another but ultimately under the same FMO then it's a simple hierarchy change and no new paperwork should be needed other than a release from your direct upline.

I have heard issues with Amerilife on releases and commissions, but bad news travels faster than good news and in my personal dealings they have been fine. Other notable FMO's are SMS, Integrated Benefits, JSA and for several carriers my company HealthPlanOne.

In regard to Combined the rates are ok, but not great and they are in a limited number of states. They have a history of jumping into and out of the market fairly often so from a client perspective that can be an issue that would lend itself to larger than normal rate increases down the road.
I have heard issues with Amerilife on releases and commissions, but bad news travels faster than good news and in my personal dealings they have been fine.

Do you grant upfront releases for Combined? Are you direct with Combined or under another marketing organization?
So this is an Amerilife exclusive like AFLAC is an AIMC exclusive? What other companies are exclusively available through Amerilife?

The last I heard, (which was about 5 years ago) Combined had a captive Senior division that sold Med Supps and LTCi. One of their managers told me that they mainly called on their accident, cancer etc. policyholders. The rates for the Supps were some of the highest available that I knew of, perhaps the highest. They touted Issue Age but it was so expensive that it likely wouldn't make any difference in the long run. So there's no reason why a broker would have wanted to sell their plans, at least at that time. (I think this was when they were selling Sterling plans as well.)

Their rates look competitive in MS and AL although not the cheapest in any zip code I put in. Evidently Plan G is not available. They came up as the highest in Louisiana according to that quote engine but I'm guessing that's the old block since LA isn't listed as one of the initial states.
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