Conn & Wash St.


1000 Post Club
Are evidently rejecting rate increase requests from carriers and will be keeping rates the same for next year.

It just gets more and more interesting ...
Naw, in WA state the other two main players had their 2011 rates approved without problem. They actually split the rate increase up into two parts. Regular medical inflation and Obamacare costs for portions currently in play.

Regence Blue shield had a rate increase improved in August of about 15-17%. The one that was turned down was for another 3-4%. The big thing they are attempting to do is split child rates up into per child from one child same as 10. So now a family that used to pay a flat rate for multiple kids is now being asked to pay a pretty hefty premium. In those cases families are getting hit with huge increases.

There's a certain arrogance to the administrators at Regence that makes it hard to feel sorry for them.