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kgmom219... what I have now discovered is that my clients enrolling On Mktpl with this one ins co, the agent NPN was NOT transferring from the gov't app to the insurance app! My rep for that co instructed me to provide a list of clients I enrolled to get credit (there were at least 10 ind/fam so far that I know of).
What really bothers me is that the gov't sends an email out every day to last yrs enrollees (good and bad).
GOOD… the client is more likely to go into hc.gov and update personal info (for fear of losing big brother's $ support) and buy again.
BAD… the majority of my ON mktpl clients did not apply via my quoting tool this year (so that I could track enrollment). They are accustom to going directly into hc.gov. My info in several cases is not always transferring from last yr's gov't app to this yr! I have spoken to most of my clients and have found in some cases the agent info is blank or the NPN this year is another agents (not a one or digit error on the clients part of keying incorrectly).
I would have never gotten credit.
My head is spinning trying to get a handle on what each client has done! Has this happened to anyone else???
If they are going directly to Healthcare.gov, you basically have no control & no real insight into what they are doing. That's by design . . . .the whole thing is a cluster that really is made to get the agent out of it. . . .