Cost of Not Having a Med Supp

Does anyone have a common example of what one might pay out-of-pocket if they only have Medicare (no supplement policy)? Like for a eart attack or diabetes treatment?

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. . . that's heart attack of course
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Heart attack:

$1100 for the part A deductible.
$155 for the part B deductible.
20% of the medicare approved rates for everything else done to you; ambulance ride, ER time, anesthesia, surgeons, therapist, etc, etc, etc...

Mind you... the part A deductible is per benefit period that is seperated by 60 days or cause. In other words go in today for a heart issue... $1100, go in 62 days after discharge for another heart issue... $1100, go in ten days later for something else... $1100.

Diabetis treatment: $155 part B ded. then 20% for doctor's office visits a few times per year, 20% of all supplies, etc.
Thanks for the quick response, but that's not exactly what I was asking. Maybe a better questions would be "20% of what?" I just don't know how expensive that stuff is.
Some of my clients that have cancer have really expensive cancer medications that are covered at 80% a month by Part B of Medicare. The Med supp picks up the other 20%. The cancer medication runs about $2000 a month.

MRI's run about $1,000 - $2,000 that could add up.

Office calls, specialist visits aren't too much and someone that just had Medicare only that wouldn't be too bad. Unless they need physciall therapy 3 times a week for 2 or 3 months, that could also add up
Thanks for the quick response, but that's not exactly what I was asking. Maybe a better questions would be "20% of what?" I just don't know how expensive that stuff is.

Back in December I had a client spend 9 days in the hospital. He had a bunch of tests done and was diagnosed as suffering a mild heart attack and symptoms of CHF. His total bill for the 9 days was about 110,000 and medicare approved 57,000 which he would have had to pay 20% of that 57K. You do the math, thats what I tell my potential clients, it isn't pretty. Having A and B and no supp is like playing with fire and you WILL get burned. It is just a matter of time.
cancer medication runs about $2000 a month.

Some are more than that . . . upwards of $8k per month.

RA meds can easily run $1500 - $2500/mo.

Lot's of seniors are on multiple pain meds at $300+ per month.

It adds up.
That's right... those RA injections are $1200ish/mo... 20% of that month after month after month would be rough on the finances.
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We all have our extreme case clients. I had one, eaten up with cancer. Most men would have taken the death sentence and lived their last days with family. The cancer fighting medical community sucked him into treatment for a 5% chance of another year or so. $1.2 million later he died.
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Sorry, but you are incorrect. For this $110k hospital stay ($57k approved) the patient on Medicare would have owed $1,100.

Back in December I had a client spend 9 days in the hospital. He had a bunch of tests done and was diagnosed as suffering a mild heart attack and symptoms of CHF. His total bill for the 9 days was about 110,000 and medicare approved 57,000 which he would have had to pay 20% of that 57K. You do the math, thats what I tell my potential clients, it isn't pretty. Having A and B and no supp is like playing with fire and you WILL get burned. It is just a matter of time.