Covering Illegals Under RomneyCare


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
Seems the folks in the bay state have a big funding problem on their hands. Extending health care to illegal aliens is costing them major buckaroo's.

A dogged freshman lawmaker who refused to budge from the House chambers earlier this month until the Patrick administration came clean on how much taxpayers coughed up last year for free health care to illegal aliens finally got his answer yesterday: a whopping $93 million.

"I didn't think it would take as much work as it did to answer such a simple question about how our tax dollars are spent," state Rep. James J. Lyons Jr. told the Herald yesterday.


That's a lot of beans.
This illustrates why Romney says RomneyCare is not good for all. The Massachusetts majority might have favored this when Ted Kennedy reigned over politics there. Liberals love free lunch until they get the bill.
how are you going to save the world??

I will start by putting an end to posts by folks who contribute nothing of substance to the forum.

Liberals love free lunch until they get the bill.

Yeah, but they duck the check and stick us with paying the bill.