CRM Software questions

Do any of you use CRM applications such as ACT! or, entellium, etc?

If so, what are your experiences and why did you choose one over the other? I'm trying to figure out which one I want to use.

Ooooh, oooh, oooh... can I answer this? Pick me! Choose me! Please? It's been a long, long time since our last CRM food fight. C'mon guys. Let me answer. Pretty please? Let's get back down in the mud and mix it up!! It'll be fun!

The Jackass
(who uses Sugar CRM)
I've looked at everything --in great detail.

I decided to just go with Outlook with Business Contact Manager.

Here's the thing: the business contact manager (which is pretty impressive) is cobbled together with Outlook which is a problem. Believe it or not, you end up with two separate contact managers, the BCM portion of which is database driven. It can be shared, but the calendar cannot.

So here are the lengths I'm going to at this point: I am using Google Calendar because it has a sync utility that lets it update the Outlook calendar. That is how I am able to share the calendar with a secretary. The regular Outlook contact manager cannot be shared over a regular Vista/XP workgroup. So, you always have to double check whether you are in "regular" Outlook contact manager or "BCM" contact manager since one can share and one cannot.

I've looked at Act! and all the other and they all have their own problems. Some that seem really good require annual licensing fees which run across my grain. So, I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing out there for my particular needs that does not have serious drawbacks.
Been using for three years now, with no problems. Download the user's guide and go from there.

I love Freecrm. I recommend it to everyone. I started with it for a few months to see if I liked it. But then I found Sugar CRM which is also free. And since I own my own server at Pair Networks in Pittsburgh, PA. I just loaded Sugar on it and it's been terrific for me the past year or so.

Sugar takes a bit more of a learning curve to install but often your ISP will help you with it. I like Sugar because I'm still a geek... but most folks will be fine with Freecrm. There are tons and tons of others out there.

Here is a good site to read up on some of the CRMs (and there is a new one out every day!)

Small Business CRM Resource Centre - Your Free Guide To CRM Help

Now can we discuss the the advantages of CRM over desktop programs? Someone must want to know? Please ask!! Make my day!!!! :yes:

The Jackass
Okay, Al, what are the advantages of CRM over desktop programs?

I also own my top of the line server and have a great programmer - does that make a big difference?
Okay, Al, what are the advantages of CRM over desktop programs?

I also own my top of the line server and have a great programmer - does that make a big difference?

You just threw him a T-bone steak!!

I'm going to jump in here and mention that CRM can be either desktop OR web-based.

I like desktop CRM because I like the original concept of Personal computers.... that is, it is under MY control at all times.

Web-based CRM programs are versatile because you can access them from mobile locations. However, you are at the mercy of the website provider. There may be monthly fees, unexpected outages, out of area access problems, etc.

With a desktop CRM, you can take it with you on your laptop and web access is not an issue, unless you want to upload realtime. In that case, you will need a wireless card, just like you would with a web-based CRM. The advantage of course, is that you can always synch the program back at your home office if you can't get online on location.

A desktop CRM can be very expensive, and so can web-based CRM. You pay for what features you must have. A moderately priced desktop CRM is sold by one of our forum members called YIO (Your Insurance Office). Do a search on this forum and you will find plenty of posts.

In your case, to buy a server edition of a web-based CRM may make sense. You can get whatever you want at Al-ice's Restaurant!
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