I've been a long-time ACT user and it has worked well for me. But I'm now looking for a web-based CRM that will do what my ACT program does.
My main concerns are:
1. Automation of letters (most offer this as a feature for e-mails but I need word documents that I print and mail.)
2. syncing with a PDA (preferably Palm)
3. Easy to customize. I want to track certain types of data. Some of the CRMs mentioned don't even seem to have a field for the spouse's name and info. How would that work for residental marketing?
I'm definitely not a computer programer. I don't mind customizing a database layout but I don't want to have to learn computer programing to do it.
I'm in the same situation. I've always used ACT but really want a web based solution. I just talked to SalesNexus and will be attending a webinar today. From what I see, they are a web bases copy of ACT and will sync with my blackberry over the air.
I was wondering what solution you've come up with?