CRM Software questions

I've been a long-time ACT user and it has worked well for me. But I'm now looking for a web-based CRM that will do what my ACT program does.

My main concerns are:

1. Automation of letters (most offer this as a feature for e-mails but I need word documents that I print and mail.)

2. syncing with a PDA (preferably Palm)

3. Easy to customize. I want to track certain types of data. Some of the CRMs mentioned don't even seem to have a field for the spouse's name and info. How would that work for residental marketing?

I'm definitely not a computer programer. I don't mind customizing a database layout but I don't want to have to learn computer programing to do it.


I'm in the same situation. I've always used ACT but really want a web based solution. I just talked to SalesNexus and will be attending a webinar today. From what I see, they are a web bases copy of ACT and will sync with my blackberry over the air.

I was wondering what solution you've come up with?

I'm in the same situation. I've always used ACT but really want a web based solution. I just talked to SalesNexus and will be attending a webinar today. From what I see, they are a web bases copy of ACT and will sync with my blackberry over the air.

I was wondering what solution you've come up with?

I went to i-relay for 6-months. I really liked a lot about them except you can't change the layout or add/remove fields or customize drop-down lists.

I went back to ACT and host it on a spare computer I already had. I love it. My wife (co-agent) and I each have it on our laptops and syncronize daily. We can access the database online through programs like Go to My PC if we want to (but we don't have the need.)

I had to go to HandHeld contact to put ACT on our Windows Mobile phone/PDAs. It also works with Blackberry.

I like this setup MUCH better than any other I've looked at.

I wish I would have stayed with the ACT 2008 version rather than 2009 because it worked with Palm PDAs which were WAY better than Windows Mobile.
I hate to add more to an already belabored post, but it would also depend on what type of an agency you're looking to use it for. I've developed a proprietary CRM to meet the needs of Med Advantage health plans and agents because SugarCRM wasn't behaving the way I wanted it to. Sugar does a great job and you can't beat the price. If you don't know how to install it my guy can hook it up for you and host it for you so all you need to do is say "I want sugarCRM" and pay him and it's good to go. I could give you a demo login to take it for a test drive and see if you like it.
I currently have YIO and have been satisfied with it for 2 years. But now I have purchased a MAC and it is not compatible. Does anyone know how I can transfer my YIO data into another program like ACT or FREECRM?
I currently have YIO and have been satisfied with it for 2 years. But now I have purchased a MAC and it is not compatible. Does anyone know how I can transfer my YIO data into another program like ACT or FREECRM?

You can run WindowsXP or Vista on your new Mac (assuming it is new and not an older non-Intel one) by getting (buying) Parallels or VMWare (about $80) ...or getting the free VirtualBox software, loading one of those and then installing Windows or Vista... and then installing YIO and tranferring your data files (Call Frank and he'll fill you in on that part.) The whole thing is a piece of cake.... although it can take an hour or so to install windows so give yourself plenty of time. However, you need at least 1 GB of RAM... but 2 or more is far, far better (easy and cheap to add RAM... go to to buy it.)

I run a Mac and Windows XP with Parallels (so I can run Ohio National's software) but I don't run YIO (I like web based CRM sysems), however since YIO is based on the Microsoft Jet database engine, it will run just fine in virtualized mode on your new Mac with plenty of RAM. (It will probably run even faster than on Windows! I don't know why.)

If you DON'T want to buy a virual host like Parallels, just use the free Bootcamp software that comes with Apple. The difference is that you have to boot into either Windows OR the Mac. You can't run them side by side as you do in virtualization mode. Bootcamp re-partitions your hard disk and lets you install Windows as a native operating system instead of running it "under" a virtual host. I like the virtual method better where XP runs as just another window on my Mac (and you can enlarge it to take up the full screen.) It makes it easy to copy/paste or drag/drop files between the two systems by running it in virtual mode. (Yes you can print from WinXP, be on the internet with IE 6.0, use the CD/DVD... the whole mess. It's very cool.)

With only 1 GB of RAM Windows runs fine, but the Mac applications will run slower (Mail, Safari, etc.) when using WindowsXP. Add another 1 GB (or more) and they both run like lightening.


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I currently have YIO and have been satisfied with it for 2 years. But now I have purchased a MAC and it is not compatible. Does anyone know how I can transfer my YIO data into another program like ACT or FREECRM?

It suspect it will be somewhat easy to get the base "flat file" client data (name/address) from YIO to FreeCRM. However, getting the related policy data that is "chained" to each client is going to be difficult.

Unless you have thousands of clients each with several policy records, my suggestion is to import the client name/address data and run paper YIO reports for all of them and hire someone to key in the related data.

The biggest pain in the butt is switching from one database system to another in conversion of legacy data... so when/if you decide on a system, make sure you like it as you will be "stuck" with it for a long time. (I use SugarCRM. It's not perfect but the price is right and it serves my needs rather. I used to use FreeCRM and for non-techies, I highly recommend it.)
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Thanks Al! I didn't like the Boot Camp idea but your suggestion is great. I was just hoping to avoid having to purchase Windows XP. I have an XP install disk for an old Dell but my Mac won't read it for some reason. It probably will only work to reinstall on that Dell--like it says on the disk:embarrassed:

really, thanks for taking time to provide me with all that information Al.
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Went to buy Windows XP today-Basic edition is $180! No thanks. I hate windows systems and will rather get an online CRM and have my wife type all my data into it.
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Try Linked Agency. This is a web based mobile CRM system that stores all of your data on HIPPA compliant services. If your computer or mobile device crashes, you do not have to worry about losing files or contact information. This system houses the data for you, thus alleviating the issue. The base system is $9.95 a month. If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me directly.
I'm surprised that nobody mentioned "Goldmine" which is the most robust, flexible program that I've ever seen. It's terrific. The only reason I dropped it is because I'd have to buy a minimum of 5 user licenses each year. I switched to Maximizer. I checked into ACT!, Sugar, etc. Sugar rates well with geeks, but ACT! has been a train wreck in recent years. I don't know about ACT! 2009, but the past few years prior to that have been rough in the area of email with ACT!