Cross selling annuities with fe business


I have been doing some research, and see quite a few FE agents have been successful cross selling annuities off FE business just by simply asking questions and unveiling annuity opportunities
Most go after IRAs 401K. Any opinion on this? I am thinking about getting into cross selling anniity business here and there.
I have ran into many people with over $100k in movable assets through FE leads. But, it's mostly broke people below the poverty level with FE... but as long as you're willing to sift theough the crap to find the gold... it can be done.
They're pretty strict on liquidity requirements. If they happen to meet the liquidity requirements for an annuity, they might also be more interested in a single premium product for their life insurance needs.
I recently saw a video posted by David Duford about this very topic. It was really informative. I saw it on LinkedIn but I'm sure he posts to YouTube also.

His handle on the forum is Rearden . You could also message him