Daily Routine for Insurance Agent


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Looking for some advice from the pros. I seem to be running around all day with my head cut off! When the phone rings, I get it, emails constantly flowing in. Customer service this, quote that! Here is what I was thinking of as far as a daily routine. Please advise on how to better manage my time

7:30/8 a.m.-10 a.m: Quotes/ Follow-ups, customer service
10-12: Prospecting
12-12:30/1pm :Lunch
12:30/1 pm - 3pm: Prospecting
3-5/ 6pm Quotes/ Follow-ups, customer service

O.k. seems easy enough. How do I stick to it?
Re: Daily Routine?

My schedule is like this:

10-11 dial - I don't get into the office until 10
11-1 quotes and fixing issues that need immediate attention
1-2 lunch and read espn
2-5 more quotes, follow ups and binding
5-7/8 dial
leave around 4 on fridays
Re: Daily Routine?

For starters don't answer email as they come in. Designate time during the day to respond to them. It helps a lot to let them pile up and then attack them at once.

Some advice that I received when I first started was to use the 9-5 hours for marketing as much as possible and to use the before and after regular business hours to prepare quotes and process applications. Add staff as soon as possible to handle customer service work, depending on your goals and what you'd like your agency to look like.
I only check email 3 times a day, 10 a.m. 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. I try to clear out my inbox and respond to everything I can during those times...the morning email can take up to a half hour, but the afternoon checks are often five minutes or less. I also blow off the afternoon checks if I have an appointment to see a client.
I only check email 3 times a day, 10 a.m. 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. I try to clear out my inbox and respond to everything I can during those times...the morning email can take up to a half hour, but the afternoon checks are often five minutes or less. I also blow off the afternoon checks if I have an appointment to see a client.

I wish I could do that. I probably get 50 emails a day and sometimes they need immediate attention.