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Looking for some advice from the pros. I seem to be running around all day with my head cut off! When the phone rings, I get it, emails constantly flowing in. Customer service this, quote that! Here is what I was thinking of as far as a daily routine. Please advise on how to better manage my time
7:30/8 a.m.-10 a.m: Quotes/ Follow-ups, customer service
10-12: Prospecting
12-12:30/1pm :Lunch
12:30/1 pm - 3pm: Prospecting
3-5/ 6pm Quotes/ Follow-ups, customer service
O.k. seems easy enough. How do I stick to it?
7:30/8 a.m.-10 a.m: Quotes/ Follow-ups, customer service
10-12: Prospecting
12-12:30/1pm :Lunch
12:30/1 pm - 3pm: Prospecting
3-5/ 6pm Quotes/ Follow-ups, customer service
O.k. seems easy enough. How do I stick to it?