Dangerous Body Language

Also, to say that you "look forward to next time" leaves the client thinking that their is a next time, and subconsiously that is in their head.

To say "thank you" almost makes it seem like things are summed up and over. It should never be over between you and a client.

Leave the "thank you" for a thank you card signed by you and sent by your assistant.
I don't remember too much about my initial training in 1980. But the three things I do remember...

* Don't ever ask the married wife if she works. Ask if she "works outside of the home."
*Don't ever ask a client to buy anything or if they are "ready to buy."
*Don't thank a client for their business.

It doesn't work for everybody, but I guess I'm used to it. And of course, now, you can use the first point on male spouses as well.

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Chumps, I wholeheartedly agree with you. After all, as service people WE have to be thanked for the job done, like repairmen, postal workers, doctors, etc.
It seems to me that the client should actually thank the agent for his or her help. Hopefully if they've done business with you, they'll be able to see some sort of value in doing business with you. If you tell them thank you. What service did they render to you? All they did was put some hundreds or thousands in your pockets.