DeMint Opposes Gov’t Mandate for Pre-Existing Conditions Coverage

Re: DeMint Opposes Gov't Mandate for Pre-Existing Conditions Cove

simplicity of creating jobs and reducing the number of uninsured at the same time!

And the added benefit of eliminating a 2200+ page bill that no one in DC has read and pissing away a trillion dollars.
Re: DeMint Opposes Gov't Mandate for Pre-Existing Conditions Cove

Why is Demint an *** over this statement? He's correct.

I am in a state with a high risk pool and it works. we do subsidize the pool with a premium tax. We have a generous pre-ex 3/9 with credit for prior coverage. We have a basic health plan for the working poor. And we leave people alone who don't want insurance. With the pre-ex though they can't wait till sick to purchase coverage. group is guaranteed issue, no health questions.

We went through this in 94 when our state was the only state to adopt the Clinton Plan. For about 5 years everything sucked as immediately anyone who could game the plan did.
Around 2000 things were fixed a bit and since then it's worked fairly well. This should have been the model for the rest of the country, but Obama wasn't about to go down in history for supporting a health plan of his biggest rival. Woulda made people wonder why they voted for him.
Re: DeMint Opposes Gov't Mandate for Pre-Existing Conditions Cove

This should have been the model for the rest of the country, but Obama wasn't about to go down in history for supporting a health plan of his biggest rival. Woulda made people wonder why they voted for him.

I agree with this. The Washington State model is the one the pubs should pick up, tweek, and run with.

Those who think the pubs dont need a plan and that simply opposing Obamacare will make everything go away can ignore this as usual. Otherwise I would give some thought to the Washington State model.
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Re: DeMint Opposes Gov't Mandate for Pre-Existing Conditions Cove

"Woulda made people wonder why they voted for him."

He was a "change...?"
Re: DeMint Opposes Gov't Mandate for Pre-Existing Conditions Cove

Thanks Winter. Out of the chute Hillary's plan was just bad too. Lot's of holes. The thing is they were addressed, continued to be addressed and the real problems removed.

I am hoping somebody picks up on the idea. There is still a place for agents in this system, there is still competition.
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