Democrats Urging HHS to Give a QLE for Pregnancy

I love all the questions I've had over the years from uninsured people trying to buy coverage when pregnancy occurs:

1. This pregnancy was an accident, so is it covered under accident insurance?
2. Can I get on my boyfriend's insurance, since he's paying for the pregnancy?
3. Can I sign up when I'm in my third trimester, then cancel the insurance once the baby is born?

My favorite is when the boyfriend calls and says "she's pregnant and I've decided our wedding date was Saturday"

In Texas, we have NO common law reqt's. You can just pick a day and say we got married and get someone added.

I've never gotten #1...that's my new favorite!
House Democrats are urging HHS to allow year-round enrollment for pregnancy as a life event. Democrats: Allow pregnant women to enroll in Obamacare | More than 50 House Democrats are asking the Obama administration to add pregnancy to the limited list of reasons women may enroll year-round in coverage on the Obamacare exchanges... Nearly three dozen health advocacy groups, including the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists,also wrote to Burwell on Thursday asking for the change to be made. Young Invincibles says 50,000 people have signed a petition as well. The 2010 healthcare law requires insurance plans to cover certain benefits, including maternity care. But without making pregnancy a qualifying reason to enroll year round, uninsured women without access to employer-sponsored coverage won't be able to access those benefits should they become pregnant, advocates say. Don't they understand Adverse Selection?

Seeing that the AFA was a Trojan Horse to eventually get Universal Health Care, every move to liberalize the standards is simply another move towards what Socialists really want.
Don't they understand Adverse Selection?

Just a reason to keep people voting Democrat, women overwhelmingly vote Dem, and young dumb girls who get knocked up without insurance, are just waiting for their handout from big daddy (govt) .
I love all the questions I've had over the years from uninsured people trying to buy coverage when pregnancy occurs:

1. This pregnancy was an accident, so is it covered under accident insurance?
2. Can I get on my boyfriend's insurance, since he's paying for the pregnancy?
3. Can I sign up when I'm in my third trimester, then cancel the insurance once the baby is born?

My personally experienced favorite was (underwritten major med) which fellow and wife took out. Nothing major in response to any of the list of extensive health questions. He was around 50 if memory serves. Fast forward just under a year later. He goes in hospital for an arrhythmia. Few weeks later I get notice of claim denial due to pre-ex. I review the app.. lo and behold, prior heart problems. Go see the customer and ask him why he did not tell me about prior heart issues. His answer was "There is nothing wrong with the heart I have now". Yup, he had had a heart transplant and fully beleived when asked if you have any problems with your heart the answer was no since the old diseased heart was replaced with a young healthy one..
My personally experienced favorite was (underwritten major med) which fellow and wife took out. Nothing major in response to any of the list of extensive health questions. He was around 50 if memory serves. Fast forward just under a year later. He goes in hospital for an arrhythmia. Few weeks later I get notice of claim denial due to pre-ex. I review the app.. lo and behold, prior heart problems. Go see the customer and ask him why he did not tell me about prior heart issues. His answer was "There is nothing wrong with the heart I have now". Yup, he had had a heart transplant and fully beleived when asked if you have any problems with your heart the answer was no since the old diseased heart was replaced with a young healthy one..

How did he justify the time his new heart spent attached to the young dead person?
What about the anti-rejection med's? Didn't anyone run a script check and the light bulb come on?