Devoted Health to stop giving out paper summary of benefits

Yes, but on the contrary Devoted has the smallest enrollment guide I have seen. I bet it doesn't even weigh an ounce! Here is the real deal, I was told they overestimated the number of guides they needed for AL for this year, so they have a surplus. That's why they have decided they don't want us giving out the books anymore. They are new in AL & I guess sales weren't as high as they anticipated.

Never heard of that . I got over 1000 books aep from 4 carriers . Those suckers got to be $5-$7 a book to print . I know devoted has good benefits . But they might be buying business like clover was and pull back . How's the networks and how's customer service ?
Never heard of that . I got over 1000 books aep from 4 carriers . Those suckers got to be $5-$7 a book to print . I know devoted has good benefits . But they might be buying business like clover was and pull back . How's the networks and how's customer service ?

customer service good, network,could be better..
I get paper eob's. 2 pages of claims, 6 pages of legal bullshit. Save the planet!

Yep. CMS makes them go overboard with all of the disclaimers and foreign language sensitivity. Consumers should be the ones to CHOOSE which option that they prefer.
Never heard of that . I got over 1000 books aep from 4 carriers . Those suckers got to be $5-$7 a book to print . I know devoted has good benefits . But they might be buying business like clover was and pull back . How's the networks and how's customer service ?

Devoted has the richest benefits in town and back it up with good customer service. My few members that have left due to provider network issues: trying to find an ENT close by, finding a cheap urgent care close by and lack of acute center choice. Otherwise, it's a good plan.