Direct Mail Company


New Member
Any suggestions for a company that does Med Supp mailings and what is a reasonable response rate I could expect.
They all work the same way, they get a list and send out the cards.

A "reasonable" response rate is around eight to ten back from a one thousand piece mail drop. A kick ass return is about 15 back from a thousand sent out. (The cost will be around $400.)

When you call they are almost all going to tell you they didn't send in a card. Eighty five percent will not remember, the other fifteen percent won't admit to it.

They are all going to be cold calls, they will not be people who are sitting next to their phone waiting for you to call. (Seniors are "professional card filler-outers".) You will be much better off and money ahead calling from a list.

Just my experience after having sold Med Supps for a while.
Eighty five percent will not remember, the other fifteen percent won't admit to it.

I signed up for a "live lead" program through one of my carriers a few years ago. The way the program worked, if the prospect called in to the carrier directly requesting info in my zip code, the carrier shot me an email with the prospects info and the time they called in. I would call these people within 10 to 20 minutes and they had no recollection of requesting information.:goofy:
I can only imagine return cards would be much worse.:laugh:
Not a bad deal Jim (if its real?).

I think that is the operative term, "if it is real".

My BS meter jumped at "returns 3% or better so that is 30 per 1000 return on every thousand piece mailing" but when I read, "Also we set appointments with almost all of the returns" the damn thing exploded in a thousand pieces.

It doesn't matter if he gives a "refund" on the first two thousand sent out. If he is so "good" at this why isn't the "refund" extended to all mailings that don't return at least 3%? Did I miss the word "guarantee"?

I've been doing this for a very long time and purchased every kind of mailing and lead imaginable and what he is professing just ain't gonna happen.

I have never seen him post any information of value about insurance, all he does is SPAM every thread he posts in. I feel sorry for the new guys who get sucked in by statements like his.

If you don't believe me refer to DS4's post. He isn't a spammer, he is an agent who is in the trenches. Who do you think knows what he is talking about? The agent who is out beating the bushes every day or some guy sitting around spamming insurance boards?
I put "get a free TV" on my Direct Mail piece and received way more than 3% return! But this was for FE not Med Supps.
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