I mail like clock work every month dropped around 2,000 post cards write 15-20 t65 from inbound calls like clock work every month. You get 20 referrals a month from your 50 mile shrm?Who mails to prospects off a list anymore? Once I had some experience in the Medicare market, I found mailers a waste of time and money. I was able to instead build a referral network with centers-of-influence. I reached out to every CPA and CFP plus all group insurance agents I knew or simply had their business card on hand.
I also get referrals from HR people who belong the their local chapter of SHRM....Society of Human Resource Managers. I met them at local seminar where I attended as a guest. Another agent friend has done guest speaker spots for them and has gotten a virtual flood of business from it.
See website at www.shrm.org. If you really want to sink your teeth into this, SHRM accepts members from related fields. I chatted online with them today and they wrote:
"The SHRM Professional Membership is open to HR professionals, aspiring HR professionals, and individuals seeking in-depth knowledge in HR and its related areas."
I was able to search local chapter contacts and reached out to them by email and letters. Many HR managers in medium-sized firms are starving for help with employees/dependents as they "age in" to Medicare. Local HR is where the action is.....firms big enough to be of value to you but not so big they don't need you. Local chapters also look for guest speakers. (Just be sure you know your stuff inside and out before getting in front of them!)
Give this a go before you drop any more coin on some goofy mass mailing. They have local SHRM chapters all over the country... 24 within 50 miles of my home zip code!