Do Private Plans Still Exist?

October 2, 2014

Not surprising, but it's startling when you see the numbers in print... In just two short years, from 2012 to 2014, 90% of health insurers left the major medical business!
Story: Small insurers devastated by big corporations in Obamacare state exchanges |

Where's all the competition that President Obama promised would lower family health insurance premiums by $2,500 a year?

HE LIED... OH CRAP... DID I JUST SAY THAT... I ACTUALLY THINK I AM WRONG..... he is just a rookie and dose not understand business... not his fault, its his white mammas fault
If you notice, the President stopped using data/numbers in his predictions for future goals. Too many of them blew up in his face...oops, I mean, they never materialized.