Do You Have a Landing Page?

A picture's (maybe) worth a thousand words...

We are currently experimenting with using Squidoo lenses as a fast and easy way to generate more traffic and bring agents to our main website. You can see what we are doing at

If you would like we can keep in touch to see how this experimental stage is going by following us on Twitter at (Sorry you have to Copy and Paste, I haven't made 10 post yet!)

Thanks! Good Luck!
-Daniel Hagy
President of National Marketing Group Inc.
Well...other than the semi-spam first post...your "system" is...well...let's see what others think:

You simply call anyone over 18 years old that you know.
Friends, family, relatives, current clients and past clients.

Ask them if you may stop by and provide them with a gift....
If your prospect/client is still skeptical or indicates this
sounds to good to be true, then simply follow up by saying
"All we ask is that you refer us to any friends, family or relatives that you believe would benefit from receiving the Family Accidental Death Benefit Plan.

Right. So if they are skeptical, just ask for referrals. Sheesh! may want to brush up on your English skills...​

This has been to say the least a challenging year for all of
us. Prospective clients have been in the freeze frame mode
wandering if Congress is going to come out with some form​
of Healthcare for all.

It's key to success is the "No Costs Offer Giveaways".

to good to be true

Finally, it's important to note that this system has been field

tested for a full year with hundred's of brand new agents
