Doctor's Are in for a Nasty Suprise!

Many of the surprises came once the bill was signed in to law and people started reading it.

Basically everyone, including low income and minorities, were screwed big time.
Only if they need to find a doctor who will take the coverage when they need to use it, and the potential increased OOP costs. Otherwise there is no problem at all.
Gaming the system: Just pay for the first (9) months and not for Oct., Nov. or December and then sign-up for a new carrier in January as you have guaranteed acceptance! :nah:

Also the client/patient can pay their premium with credit/debit card or money order, bank-draft or whatever. Boy that sounds like fun for the insurance company tying to get paid. :D

Yeah and even when 2016 rolls around the $695 fine isn't much compared to someone paying $500 a month or more for HI. Especially now with the Internet any loop hole will get exploited much faster and in larger numbers. In order to block this one loop hole they will draft about 100 pages of rules and regs. Placing a big burden on everybody.
The reason I just used the minimum was because folks making 100k or more probably wont be jacking around trying to get three months free HI.
Not taking subsidy? U only get 30 day grace period. Even if eligible for subsidy, but not taking it

Even better, two different grace periods for carriers to worry about. They must be enthused about next year.