Does Payment Equal Acceptance for WC Policies?


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Does a workers comp policy have to have a delivery receipt signed? Is a policy required to be delivered for it to be valid? Does payment equal acceptance for a workers comp policy? If its state specific the state is SC..
The answer in my state is NO. I can't speak for SC. Work comp is a P & C product and this sounds like a life insurance question.
The policy does not need to be delivery signed but payment does equal accpetance of the policy. However, a letter of assumption from another carrier trumps that and can render the first policy void.
Kinda of a dumb question.........

When did YOU bind the coverage? Thats when it was bound, wether you had a check or signatures.

Theorectically, (sp) if you verbally tell them it is bound and in effect, then it is now bound.....

Oh wow, I just looked, this thread is pretty old!