I started with them and regret the decision 95%. The other 5% however, they taught me about presentations, the process of the sale, prospecting...pretty much gave me all of the inside knowledge that you would need to be successful in this biz.
I would say do not sign with them, are you ready for a client to have a $200,000 hospital bill and only have $30,000 of it covered by United American and the client is looking to you wondering why you sold them this crappy policy. If your answer is no, then I would look for other options in the insurance biz.
Search "united american" and you'll see what I mean.
I started with United American. Horrible company. Do not fall into the trap. As a new person in the business, a lot of what they dish out sounds good. Once you learn a thing or two, you realize how much they suck.
You would do better with many, many other companies.
We still have UA in our lineup, but I would have to concur with the other post here. I would definitely not want to try to make a living selling only United American products.
The health is "supplemental", and they don't even try to have competitive life products. For an independent agent, it is something that is okay to have in your product case just for somebody looking something really cheap (i.e. 10,000.00 of first cash cancer coverage, etc.), but if you are looking to become one of their captive agents, I would advise you to forget it.
The benefits are PER INCIDENT and I seem to remember the CANCER benefit caps at $500, which is why virtually EVERY agent pairs with a Cancer rider / policy (which pays huge commissions)
I could never figure out how to quote someone - their point scale is very confusing. The few times we quoted it the Texas Risk Pool (which is a BCBS plan) was cheaper. I can't sell something more than my state pool.
The Texas Pool is so well managed (although I would change the name to something better sounding), it is hard to sell here.
UA is NOT cheap by any means that is why we were dead in the water with it. I may revisit one day, but at this time I can't figure it out.
I agree with survivor. UA (here anyways) recruits people with no insurance experience and teaches them about the plans. Them knowing nothing about the biz think its the best and you are brainwashed to think so. Quick claims paying, financial stability, pays 2-4,000/day in the hospital bla bla bla.
One good thing about UA is if your a Branch manager or a Unit Manager the bonuses are crazy! It is very much so a revolving door if you watch a captive UA branch. If a Unit manager & Branch Manager gets one of their new agents up to $10,000 issued in production the first month they get a $1,500 bonus each as well as overrides on the business each month. So what the unit managers do is write business themselves and put it in the new agents name (if they think they will be there for longer than a month).
Now that I see the whole insurance world I was selling crap for 8 months.
I've switched over 80% of my policyholders from UA. Diabetics/overweight/and past cancer this policy may be for them but thats about it.