Dr. Oz says commission churning for MA plan is big issue

It's the DSNP/CSNP/LIS/LOW INCOME getting churned to high heaven.

Steer clear and isn't a problem. I'm blocking one now trying to get me to drive 2 hour round trip bc she wants more food benefit. not today or this year.
Eiizabeth Warren brought up the issue with the home visits that diagnose ailments that are then never treated.

And Dr Oz mentioned possibly communicating with Medicare beneficiaries more frequently - as if they already don't get enough calls and mail and are clueless and overwhelmed.
They don't care… put them on a csnp and if it's not approved within two months switch them back to their old plan or another standard plan using SNP (no longer qualifies for csnp)

That's how the call centers will stay in business April - Oct

True. This was already occurring. They will flip fewer plans though as they will be targeting higher incomes with less attractive benefits.

This will reduce churn. Eliminate? No. But if this rule would have been implemented along with the elimination of marketing money that would have all but killed call centers.
OK calm down. What is bigger Select Quote type call centers, or Integrity who owns all the FMO's who all have independent brokers. If anything he's getting a deal from Integrity.
The call centers sell two MILLION plans every year. Thats just the public ones. Granted, half of them churn within 90 days, but that channel has become a total beast over the last few years.
Finally watched the whole hearing. Had a long thought out post, but it's to much to do that.

Nothing we haven't heard yet. and the solutions aren't promising. Incentives. Ok, that's been tried many times. Need to up their game.

Churners, yes. Not just call centers, but they are the biggest offenders.

Upcoding, yes, the most talked about issue.

More push back anticipated from the dirty players and churners. I smell another legal battle, only this time with more inept lawyering from the side of CMS.

Back to square one, which is what was talked about in past posts.

I don't see this as anything other than squawking about a problem that will doubtfully be fixed much more than it is now, with changes in SEPs and integration of DSNPs (HIDE and FIDE).

None will be efficient and did we expect anything more. NoPe

The bad actors will be rolling along without accountability per usual.
Medicaid is going to be the biggest barking battle with pushback. I don't disagree here with Pocohontos for the most part.

ACA needs major changes and more pushback is coming on that, as the subsidies are on the line. Silver plans could take a hit.

I always feel like one day we will witness Pocohontos having coronary right on camera.

FYI, just in case, I'm not an Oz fan. His lack of knowledge of many people on medicaid as already working, was not just an oversight. He's really that lacking in mental power if it doesn't fit his narrative.