- 894
Oh and yes, too many agents. No kidding?
Gatekeeping is one solution. The only one really I can think of that would be viable. Like how bout slow that entrance down. It's nuts. Our state did for a bit, not sure if it still is, as far as health, life and disability licensing goes. Might be not a nice sentiment from me esp given that I'm fairly newish myself, but last year alone there were 56 agents added in a small 20 mile radius in my area. Bit much!! and made for some serious stressed out seniors given that this group was like an army hitting nonstop doorknocking.
Most of them won't be in the business within a year. I forgot where I read it, but this business has one of the highest failure rates of any industry. I can completely understand why. Anyone can study and get licensed, very few can actually sustainably be successful. It's much easier to go be a realtor or something. There is just way too much to initially learn, and way too many things that are constantly changing that you need to keep up with. Couple that with the fact that it takes a LONG time to build up business (without any sort of salaried income), and most just say "eff it" and go do something else. If I didn't have a high level family sponsor, I would never have gotten into this industry and never would've lasted. I had the red carpet rolled out with constant on-demand support. Most don't have that.