Dropping Medicare and going back to work

I'm not sure about that. Haven't had that happen yet in my book of business.

Hopefully someone else will chime in.

Hey, thanks for giving me an answer.

That is probably a very unlikely thing to happen.

I have come to appreciate an HSA and I was just curious about theory in that situation.
Caveat, not an agent.

If the new employer has an HDHP health coverage option, can the new employee drop both A and B and then contribute to an HSA again if the employee chooses the HDHP employer plan?

You can only cancel part A if you pay for it. Premium free A you cant cancel
A company I am licensed with told me that a person dropping part B would be eligible for another GI after they retired and reenrolled in part B. However, I found just the opposite on a UHC website.

  • Pre-Existing Conditions: If you decide to drop Medicare Part B, you’ll also have to drop a Medigap plan if you have one. This could make it difficult to enroll in another later on as your pre-existing health conditions will be considered when applying.

If someone leaves the country for a year and drops part B while
They’re gone and then reapplies there is no guaranteed issue and underwriting would apply.

If you drop part b and have continuous coverage from a creditable employer plan then GI would apply.
I'm not trying to argue with you, but that is not what UHC says on its website.
Caveat, NOT an insurance agent.

From the very last of the article you quoted:

Rules for re-enrolling in Medicare when working after 65​

There are rules for re-enrolling in Medicare after you’ve dropped it for an employer-sponsored health plan. You’ll have an 8-month Special Enrollment Period in which to re-enroll in Medicare Part A and Part B. If you miss this window, you’ll have to wait to enroll in the Medicare General Enrollment Period (January 1 – March 31) and you could face late enrollment penalties if you end up going too long without creditable coverage.
NOTE: While you have eight months for Parts A & B, you only get two months after losing the employer coverage or leaving work to re-enroll in a Medicare Part D prescription drug plan or a Medicare Advantage (Part C) plan.  If you enroll later, you’ll face late enrollment penalties for Part D.
Finally, if you wish to re-enroll in a Medigap plan, you’ll be able to do so any time after re-enrolling in Parts A & B.
Learn more about the Special Enrollment Period for people working past 65 in this article.
There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to Medicare and returning to work. Take your time thinking through your options. Any decision is right so long as it’s what’s best for your health and lifestyle.
You can only cancel part A if you pay for it. Premium free A you cant cancel
Thanks for taking time for the comment. I'll try to remember.

Somehow I'd gotten it in my head that if one was not taking Social Security yet, they could drop Part A too.
You must keep Medicare Part A if you’re receiving Social Security benefits, however, you can defer Medicare Part B if you have other creditable coverage that meets Medicare’s standards, such as employer coverage.

: The only way to opt out of Part A is to withdraw your original application
for Social Security benefits and repay any benefits you’ve already received

I just ran across this today.

A spouse doesn’t have 40 quarters and never signed up for A and B. His retirement (law enforcement) has retirement insurance that he uses instead. Last year he called SS and decided to collect SS benefits from his wife.

As we all know, that automatically kicked in his part A and they backdated it 6 months. He had an ER visit within that 6 months and now they are getting billed because the insurance company won’t pay. He doesn’t have B, so no coverage.

SS told them that they can cancel his Part A and gave them a form to fill out. It’s been months and she said it’s still not canceled.

I explained that you can’t cancel his Part A while he’s receiving benefits. But I’m not sure if it got through. I also explained that because he’s retired, he’s accruing penalties as well.