Dual FE and Fully Underwritten Carrier

The only thing about UHL, there is very little difference between their Standard Provider Premier rate which is fully underwritten ($103.60) and their Simplified Issue Premier ($107.93) on a Male age 45 NTU, 50K face amount.. If he qualifies for their preferred NTU rate, it would be about $10 cheaper.

If you are looking for a good rate for Face over 25K I would have to say SAGICOR is my favorite. Great rates under age 60, and close to RNA rates.

The SAGICOR Gold WL plan underwrites to Table 4 as Standard and Table 2 for Preferred rates. Usually a better fit than RNA as the underwriting is not as tight as the RNA fully underwritten product.

SAGICOR 45M NTU ($50k Face) $78.15/mo, Preferred or Table 2 ($85.11/mo, Standard or Table 4)

They also have an Annual 7-Pay WL plan that is Fixed Index (45MNTU at $50k is $2,633.50 per year). Great product for Cash accumulatio

I have to admit. I am still looking for that carrier that has a Good FE (1-25K) product and a good WL portfolio that is Participating with 20pay and LPU at 65. With GUL and 30 Pay Terms becoming scarce, this type of product will become more popular for the 30-50 age group.
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I have to admit. I am still looking for that carrier that has a Good FE (1-25K) product and a good WL portfolio that is Participating with 20pay and LPU at 65. With GUL and 30 Pay Terms becoming scarce, this type of product will become more popular for the 30-50 age group.

Lafayette is almost there except they have it backwards. Their SIWL has 5, 10 and 20-pay options but their fully underwritten par WL (dividend paying) doesn't have that flexibility.
Be careful with RNA's fully underwritten plan...if they are declined, they cannot apply for anything else for 1 year. I was bit by that a couple times, and the applicant did not want to go back to SI 1)because rna turned them down 2)price increase

So unless i'm very certain they'll qualify, I'll just do SI and follow up in 1 year with the Essential Life. RNA is great to have in the bag...you know they'll be hard to beat.