Email I Recieved

I use Resource Brokerage, and they are having a seminar coming up soon. Not sure if it will be brought up, but I plan on asking if it's not.
I use Resource Brokerage, and they are having a seminar coming up soon. Not sure if it will be brought up, but I plan on asking if it's not.

I just called Blue Cross and my EBRM brokerage. Both say that no company can responsibly set commissions yet, because the rules and regulations are still flowing out of Washington. They don't want to set a commission and then have egg on their face and angry brokers if they have to lower the number just before the Exchange(s) launch.

Like I've said in other posts, premium amounts submitted to the exhanges, and other "important" items are taking precedence over commissions. We're at the back of the line.

Only a slim chance of this, but I would be thrilled if Blue Cross of Illinois decided not to stay in the Exchange.