Equity Indexed Annuities: Are they the real deal or junk products?

Re: Equity Indexed Annuities: Are they the real deal or junk pro

I would love someone to prove a 4-6% return on an actual IA!!! All I seem to hear is hypotheticals with these products. My take is the cards are stacked in favor of the house with these products.

Index Annuities are a good product for the right situation and for the right percentage of a portfolio. There is no one size fits all. And I wouldn;t want to see someone put their entire nest egg into an IA. When running historic numbers, I think it's safe to say that an IA should average somewhere in the 4%-6% return range. Generally better than a traditional fixed annuity or CD, but will likely underperform the equity markets over any 10-year period.

As far as how the companies make money on these products, it's fairly simple. There are 3 basic "buckets" where these dollars go. First and foremost, the carrier will take the cost of paying administrative expenses (including commissions and the companies profit) out of the money. Next they have a required amount they must set aside to meet the guarantees of the contract. And lastly, they use what's left to purchase options on whichever index the IA uses for it's crediting method.

So, if $1 is invested, the company may take out $0.05 to cover the admin charges, commissions, etc. They may need to set aside $0.90 to cover the guarantees. Then they'll take the last $0.05 and purchase options on the index. Regardless of what the market does, the company already has it's profit. If the market goes up, they exercise the options and apply the interest to the contract. If the market goes down, the option expires worthless. Keep in mind, this is a simplistic explanation.

When you see a company offering a big bonus or a higher than usual participation rate, it's usually made up for somewhere else. Like in the guarantee or a longer surrender period. Some plans have a guarantee of 2% interest on 87.5% of the amount invested, but may have a higher participation rate or cap. While others, like ING, have a plan that has a guarantee of 3% interest on 100% of the money, but has a lower participation rate. One isn't necessarily better than the other. I'm of the opinion that the guarantees will likely never come into play. But people like guarantees.

As for the NASD involvment, I believe there are a couple of reasons. Number one, I think the NASD member firms (i.e. - broker dealers) have been seeing large amounts of money leaving to go to IA's. So they've put pressure on the NASD to try and get these products regulated just as equity products are. Secondly, many agents have abused IA's and taken advantage of people while offering poor advice. I have mixed emotions about the NASD getting involved. I don't really mind there being a requirement to have a securities license to offer an IA (although an IA is a fixed annuity and has a guarantee return - you can't say the same about equities). But I really don;t like the idea of having to run it through the broker dealer and taking a cut on commissions. Not all BD's require this (not yet anyway).

There's a great website where you can plug in the parameters of an IA (such as crediting method, bonus, aprticipation rates, caps, etc) and get historic results. This assumes, of course, that the IA would have had the same parameters for the entire length of the contract. But it gives you a general idea of which IA's might be better than others over the long haul. The website is www.annuitymarketing.com. You will have to register to be able to use the calculator. But you can use any alias and email address you like to do so. If you are an analytical person, you'll have fun running the different hypotheticals for many different contracts from many carriers.
Re: Equity Indexed Annuities: Are they the real deal or junk pro

KJ - I've seen returns in that range for some EIAs issued 10 years ago. Some of them had years of double digit interest crediting (or close to it), and then didn't lose anything in the market meltdown years.

The concept of EIAs is a good one. The selling practices are sometimes shady, and some of the insurers certainly have some B.S. products with ridiculous commissions and too much "smoke and mirrors," but that doesn't mean the product in general is bad.

Like everything there are good contracts and bad contracts. And like all tools, there is a right time to use them, and a wrong time.
Re: Equity Indexed Annuities: Are they the real deal or junk pro

There is evidence aplenty to show that return. I have a colleague who has gotten clients permission to share their statements with his prospective new clients. He shows them statements from the past 5 years...has plenty that are double digit returns...best is 25 and that does not include any bonuses. One guy put in 100k, did get a bonus, a 20 percent return and locked in 130k end of first policy year.

Heck, my personal indexed annuity I took out 4 years ago had a 15 percent gain 2009-10...also no bonus in there.
Re: Equity Indexed Annuities: Are they the real deal or junk pro

In 08' I dealt with a ten year old Allianz IA that had a blend of Yp2p, MA, Mp2p, and some in the fixed account.
It had an annualized gain of 8%.

I put them in an IA w/ LFG that has 2year crediting at 14%. They have averaged around 6.5% over the past four years. They had a 14% gain and a 12% gain.

They did not beat the S&P over the past 4 years but they did beat CDs, Treasuries, many mutual funds and many conservative bond options.

I have permission to use their past returns with clients.
Actually, I have permission to use another clients along with my father and grandmother.

All of them have seen very reliable and steady returns using IAs, and have well outpaced inflation.
Re: Equity Indexed Annuities: Are they the real deal or junk pro

I would love someone to prove a 4-6% return on an actual IA!!! All I seem to hear is hypotheticals with these products. My take is the cards are stacked in favor of the house with these products.

How big an email account do you have? I could send you several. I have a couple that have the names and account numbers as well as other proprietary info blacked out for privacy. Send me your cell number and I'll snap a photo or two of some statements to send you. Otherwise I have to PDF them which is ok but I'll need your email.

While we are at it, you have anything you could send me that has say a 3 or 4 percent return with little risk and all the features and benefits an annuity provides to the right individual? What do you have to offer that I could see? I'm not even asking for 4 to 6 percent, just 3 or 4 percent.
Re: Equity Indexed Annuities: Are they the real deal or junk pro

All I seem to hear is hypotheticals with these products

And what do you hear with VAs or MFs?
IAs have historical returns just like anything else.

They also have hypothetical future returns based on current caps and past market performance.... just like a MF has hypothetical future returns based on past performance and current market conditions...

The problem with marketing past IA returns is that each contract will have different results than another because of allocations and when the contract date starts (ie: market timing).

The same can be said for investing in a MF or VA.
The reason these two can market past performance is that they are required by the SEC to disclose yearly performance in their prospectus.
But if you read the fine print it says that your actual performance will vary due to the timing of your investment.

Market performance is measured from Jan1 to Jan1.
In between is up and down. People make more, people make less, people make the stated annual return; it just depends on their entrance and exit into the fund.

IAs are constantly adjusting new issue cap rates. This makes it hard for the company to market a historical return based on any one particular cap. It would be nice for them to find an "average" yearly cap for each year and post how it compared to the index... maybe we will get there eventually.

But there is plenty of hard evidence to show true historical IA returns.

The real ambiguity with IAs is not how the current cap will perform with a given market.
Its what the renewal cap will be.
But renewal caps are often very competitive. ICs have every reason to keep them competitive with all the bonus products around.

Right now IA caps are at a historical low (b/c of interest rates and a rocky market). The main factor (rates) really cant get much lower. So there isnt much farther to drop currently. So current cap projections dont really have the opportunity to be much lower with many companies.
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Re: Equity Indexed Annuities: Are they the real deal or junk pro

When you can get 3.3% guarantees for 10 years in a FA, hard to get excited about potential FIA returns.