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CMS on Obamacare's Health Insurance Exchanges: 'Let's Just Make Sure It's Not a Third-World Experience' - Forbes
Gary Cohen, another CMS official involved in exchange implementation, at a national policy forum sponsored by an insurer trade group. "It's only prudent to not assume everything is going to work perfectly on day one," said Cohen. "As we move closer to October, my hopes are the range of things that could go wrong gets narrower and narrower."
Chao said that he'd once held high hopes that the exchanges would run smoothly from the beginning, but that those hopes had been dashed. "The time for debating about the size of the text on the screen, or the color, or is it a world-class user experience, that's what we used to talk about two years ago," said Chao. "Let's just make sure it's not a third-world experience." Both Chao and Cohen said that it's likely that some of the state-based exchanges might not be ready on time, in which case the federal government would step in as a backstop.
Chao said that he'd once held high hopes that the exchanges would run smoothly from the beginning, but that those hopes had been dashed. "The time for debating about the size of the text on the screen, or the color, or is it a world-class user experience, that's what we used to talk about two years ago," said Chao. "Let's just make sure it's not a third-world experience." Both Chao and Cohen said that it's likely that some of the state-based exchanges might not be ready on time, in which case the federal government would step in as a backstop.
CMS on Obamacare's Health Insurance Exchanges: 'Let's Just Make Sure It's Not a Third-World Experience' - Forbes