Exchanges May Flop - Only Partly, CMS Hopes

Ann H

5000 Post Club
Check out this newest Forbes article. Some great quotes say:

Gary Cohen, another CMS official involved in exchange implementation, at a national policy forum sponsored by an insurer trade group. "It's only prudent to not assume everything is going to work perfectly on day one," said Cohen. "As we move closer to October, my hopes are the range of things that could go wrong gets narrower and narrower."

Chao said that he'd once held high hopes that the exchanges would run smoothly from the beginning, but that those hopes had been dashed. "The time for debating about the size of the text on the screen, or the color, or is it a world-class user experience, that's what we used to talk about two years ago," said Chao. "Let's just make sure it's not a third-world experience." Both Chao and Cohen said that it's likely that some of the state-based exchanges might not be ready on time, in which case the federal government would step in as a backstop.​

CMS on Obamacare's Health Insurance Exchanges: 'Let's Just Make Sure It's Not a Third-World Experience' - Forbes
Third world? Used to it. yawn.. The community organizer runs this country like a ghetto this article really a surprise? Ghetto USA baby
It shows you that CMS has no real clue on what is going to happen. These are the people that are suppose to know.

I still think if the subsidies are available through the exchanges the masses are going to follow.
Anyone planning on writing a policy on Oct 1st? I may just let all of you update me on the board of the trials and tribulations in the first week, and let CMS work out the kinks first. Mr client, I'd wait a week or two to avoid headaches, we'll talk on Oct 15th.
I will be surprised if any of the HIX programs work on 10/1, with the possible exception of places like MA where they have had an exchange up an running. Of course even then they will need to coordinate with HHS, Homeland Security, IRS and the Peace Corp.

I would rather be flogged than jump in to this mess, especially on 10/1
It's a typo, the same article states: "Something will be ready by Oct. 1"

Yep..I saw that. Probably too much wishful thinking on my part. If HHS misses the Exchange implementation deadline by a month or two, it would be a big forking deal. I like their choice of words.."Something" will be ready. The insurance plans will be there on October 1st, but the subsidy determination front-end won't be. That's my guess.