Fair Split?

Full Throttle

1000 Post Club
Serious question: I prospect for life insurance while going B2B. Not only that, I have a number of group accounts that are always asking me to take over their P&C portion and I politely tell them I'm not in that business. I must get at least 10 people a week that ask me if I handle business insurance from B2B alone. I say no and move on, seems like a waste.

If I were to collect the basic info to quote, qualify the lead, and then pass it off to an independent P&C producer to take it from there: present, underwrite it, implement, and most important, service it, what do you think a fair split would be? If I could build up a renewal stream over time and someone else services and handles the account, I wouldn't be opposed to idea.
You should at the very least get a finder's fee from the P&C agent for each account.

On the group benefits side, I have about 5 licensed health/life licensed producers that either focus on the securities side or the P&C side that hand off their clients to me to help them with the group benefits. In return, we split the business 60/40 in my favor (we have a different schedule depending on the group size as I'm not going to split it 60/40 on a two man group). They do nothing else after turning over the lead to me.

I would potentially like to set something up similar. A one time finder fee doesn't get me excited, I'm a fan of residual income and this would simply be another stream.
If you came to me, the most you would get with me doing all the work is 35%. That's with me doing all the service work for the life of the client. JMHO.
I think you need to look at the amount of renewal you or the other agent would be receiving. Most life insurance is not noted for it's substantial amount of renewals.