FDA Approves OxyContin for Children As Young As 11

This morning I got a thank you card from my friend's parents for attending his funeral after relapsing on these damn things. Already lost quite a few friends and family, and even more I cut ties with after they got hooked. Can't even keep count.

As someone living in the middle of the oxy/heroin epidemic (Long Island), I can't comprehend how they're expanding availability of this garbage.

I GUARANTEE this results in hundreds of dead children. No one can take these things responsibly unless they have some crazy self control. They prescribed it to me for my wisdom teeth, a broken jaw, and knee dislocations-literally anything. I turned it down and made due with OTC stuff.
Wow Mary, your son has been dealt a tough hand. How is he doing since the bladder cancer diagnosis?

He has been determined cancer free now. He has had more health issues than I ever have. He worked through all of his treatments. He was on short-term for six weeks. Once it was all over and he got the cancer free news he crashed and burned; didn't work for about a year. He had a setback, and was headed in the wrong direction again. He is just now back at work.
This is tough for the medical profession too. They realize that the past wasn't a good direction and are teaching a different model now. My son (FP MD) talk about this a lot as well as his peers.

With the MD side of the ACA coming up, the patient ratings of doctors, how do you think you'll fare as an MD who says "no" to oxy requests? They talk to each other about this situation much in the way we do in our profession about things that may alter our work.

It's amazing what lengths people go through to try and get pain killers. He usually sees a couple people a day that are trying to get something, anything. They skip from doctor to doctor always claiming to have a 9 or 10 on the pain scale. Son usually asks "well how did you make it in here then?" and goes from there. He's refused a lot of requests for oxy. He's reluctant to RX that kind of stuff. He's not alone out there, but aspects of the ACA may push mds to do the simplest to comply with the government. They don't want the hassle anymore than we do.
Being a former bailbondsman and my brother being a pharmacist, between us two we saw a TON of people trying to pull stuff all the time...
Crazy thing is if they supplied the stuff to the junkies in a controlled atmostphere, the crime rates would fall precipitously...
I think being in this industry and watching some of our clients go through the consequences of life has made some agents smarter and healthier. I know it has taught me a deeper level of real knowledge of money, love, relation, and taking care of the one and only chance I have at a healthy life with the one and only body I will have.
He has been determined cancer free now. He has had more health issues than I ever have. He worked through all of his treatments. He was on short-term for six weeks. Once it was all over and he got the cancer free news he crashed and burned; didn't work for about a year. He had a setback, and was headed in the wrong direction again. He is just now back at work.

Glad to hear he's cancer free and on the road to recovery now.