FE and Medi-Cal

with AIG, the carrier I selected... they say for GI with AIG the owner must be the insured. as well..
If you make the resident the owner, it will be many years before the thing has enough cash value to affect anything. Issue it with the insured as the owner and then change the ownership to someone else (the company cannot prevent you from doing that after it is issued) ... The policy assets will be subject to the 5 year lookback at death but since there is no cash value, it won't affect anything.
I would verify that with the company first.

I want to say AIG is a no go.
Also Foresters, before I dropped them, told me I could not change to a non relative. _They said_ it was a Fraternal rule not their's. However, they were not the most reliable with accuracy.
If you own the policy (you don't in case of a fraternal), it is yours and you can do what you want with it as long as it is not prohibited by law.