FE Company Via Phone Non Exclusive


New Member
I am new to the world of insurance as an independent. I worked for a corporation selling via telesales for over 2 years. I an now an independent contractor with a company where the commission is low 50%, but I am not paying for leads. In short I want to branch away from the model and work more independently. Any advice on a company out there that will allow some telsales, but will not ask me to severe my contract with the current company?. I know face to face is best, but I have had success in the corporate environment selling via telephone only.
I am new to the world of insurance as an independent. I worked for a corporation selling via telesales for over 2 years. I an now an independent contractor with a company where the commission is low 50%, but I am not paying for leads. In short I want to branch away from the model and work more independently. Any advice on a company out there that will allow some telsales, but will not ask me to severe my contract with the current company?. I know face to face is best, but I have had success in the corporate environment selling via telephone only.

There is several companies that have a true telesales app, I believe Baltimore life is one of the main producers. I have looked at these operations and the main problem you are going to have is persistence, prbly run around 60%, maybe a bit better if you are good with follow up calls.

You have to remember, you are dealing with lower income and most need to be reminded and seen, comforted and cuddled.

Imho, you might be better off doing medsups/health, and some term life over the phone.
Thank you very much for your response. I will consider term and medsups. I dealt with a lot of lower income individuals when I was selling FE and term for the corporation and it did involve a lot of f/up.
If I were to do telesales I would have a multi-touch system that includes a schedule of varying voicemails, cards sent out from SOC at a schedule (post close: one monty after, bday, new year), follow up calls. Really cement yourself with sincerity in helping them acquire protection for their family and what an extradorinary act that is. Also, take time to set up a referral program, someone who refers is less likely to drop their policy.Actually all this should be done with any sales..