FE - Walmart


Still Here!
5000 Post Club
Niota, TN
Received a mailer today offering a Walmart Gift card if I would respond for info about up to $35K FE.. Of course it was a blind mailer so you cna't tell what company or agency was involved. Has anyone had experience with these leads? How much is the gift card for? Would think you get a lot of responders only interested in getting something for free and no insurance info..
Received a mailer today offering a Walmart Gift card if I would respond for info about up to $35K FE.. Of course it was a blind mailer so you cna't tell what company or agency was involved. Has anyone had experience with these leads? How much is the gift card for? Would think you get a lot of responders only interested in getting something for free and no insurance info..

Is that legal? Doesn't that constitute an offer or enticement of some kind?
In NJ, the max gift that an agent can give is $10. I wonder how those gift cards would fly here. If they're from a lead company, it might be o.k., but if the agent is paying for it, it might cause problems.
Received a mailer today offering a Walmart Gift card if I would respond for info about up to $35K FE.. Of course it was a blind mailer so you cna't tell what company or agency was involved. Has anyone had experience with these leads? How much is the gift card for? Would think you get a lot of responders only interested in getting something for free and no insurance info..

I know a guy in Ohio that sends those out. It's a $5 Walmart card that he uses. Says he has no more success with those than any other mailers.
I know a guy in Ohio that sends those out. It's a $5 Walmart card that he uses. Says he has no more success with those than any other mailers.

Most people won't go for a cheap gift unless they have a real interest.
Most people won't go for a cheap gift unless they have a real interest.
Reminds me of the story of a lady agent I worked with at Pru many moons and suns ago...

Shirley decided to have a booth at some kind of summertime street fair. The hook was a bicycle you could enter a raffle for. She picks a winner, calls 'em up and makes arrangements to visit and deliver the bike.

She schleps the bike over to their house. They took the bike, but wouldn't even let her in...