FEX Isnt bringing on agents in Phoenix whats a good alternative option?

I googled todd king and chris smith came up with lots of results so thought id ask on here. i dont have their contact info
Chris Smith is Baseball7 right here on the forum. And Todd King is Todd King here on the forum.

If you click your heels together three times and say "I think I can, I think I can…" while sending each of them a private message with your contact info they should show up and tell you what they can offer. Chris replied to you right on the first page of this thread to make it easy to find him.

But I have to warn you. Maricoppa County, AZ has FOUR of the most highly motivated, highly trained, FEX assassins that have sold every single potential Final Expense prospect in the county. They have chunks of new agents in their stool. It's won't be an easy area to get started in. I would suggest selling solar panels instead. Or swimming pools.

But good luck in all your endeavors.
A lot of these old timers have had the same phone number for over 50 years. It's the market you're working.

Sounds like your market keeps moving to outrun Dawg the Bounty Hunter.
If you mail the low income mkt that's what happen. Also take into account these are people that filled out lead cards and probably filled out 25 different leads in 3 yrs . Those type people move and change things a lot .It allowed me to build my book fast and over the years I've gotten great loyalty after taking 1000's of calls and calling them 1-2 times a yr . I looked at my 12 month mapd persistency the other week. Outside deaths its running at 98% which is almost unheard of in dual/lis mkt. This yr alone in 4 months I've probably saved 35-40 plans somebody tried to flip. It's a lot of work but i make a lot of money . I look at it different . The 40 plans i saved in 4 months is like writing 10 new plans a month . So 25% of my time is in retention . 25% is in taking calls and calling clients. 50% is in the field .
BTW, not-in-service phone numbers are fine with me. That's all the justification I need on the front stoop when DK'ing them. I can't count how many people I've closed by DK'ing, who said, "What took you so long?" First time I bought some of those $3 aged Internet leads, I wrote $4k in two houses on the first day. One was a set appt and they stayed on the books for three years. The next one was a DK and the woman seemed genuinely pissed that it had taken so long for someone to contact her. She's been on the books for almost four years now. DK'ing the wrong address on an aged lead got me my biggest customer who keeps on buying and sending referrals. That was around the Covid lockdown time and a local agent's wife wouldn't let him run appts anymore, so I bought some old leads from him for real cheap, met him in a gas station, bought a stack of leads and started DK'ing them.