Final Expense Appointment Setters


New Member

Is anyone here using any pre-set appointment services for final expense ? I'm looking for feedback on what's out there good and bad.

I'm trying to increase my activity but want to get in front of qualified, interested people not just warm bodies.

Only one answer so far as I'm concerned. Do a search for "hoosierdaddy" on this forum. If you are a salesman (not an order taker) you are going to find yourself busier than....(insert cliche here). I've gone from writing 8-10 apps/month to......well......lots and lots more. In the final expense business you can be the greatest salesman ever borneded and you'll be broke without a steady flow of fresh leads. I don't care what you do, but Uncle Sam is gonna need LOTS and LOTS of tax dollars to survive the "perfect storm" of spending during the next several years. I know I'll be doing my part, but I'd like some help. All kidding aside, you'll make more money and help more people. Sounds like a no brainer.
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By the way, preset appts are a waste of time IMO. If you can learn a very short, basic phone "script" you can set your own leads and two things will happen. Expenses will be lower and Income will be higher. That's good, right?
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Thanks for your response ! I sent an email to "hoosierdaddy" hoping to hear from him soon.

I have mixed feelings on the pre-set appointments, I am very comfortable on the phones and can book quality appointments for myself from fresh leads, but my concern is that if I could out source it, I could run more appointments in the time that I am currently spending on the phone.

I haven't bought any pre-set appointments for final expense yet but I have had some real garbage in the mortgage protection and annuity arena with them and had so called "appointments" with people that never wanted to meet anyone and had no clue why I was there and wouldn't even let me in the house so I'm afraid of getting burned again.

One thing that did work for me in the past was I had local college student come in and call my leads for me for 10 hours a week while I was out on appointments and she was very good at filling in my schedule with quality appointments. The difference here though was that I trained her myself and she was calling fresh leads. She left to do a college semester over seas but is home now so I am considering hiring her back as well.

Again, I've heard a lot of good things about "hoosierdaddy" on this forum (I've been lurking for a while) and look forward to speaking with him. He is obviously successful with what he is doing.

Thanks again for your response and have a great weekend !
Thanks for your response ! I sent an email to "hoosierdaddy" hoping to hear from him soon.

I have mixed feelings on the pre-set appointments, I am very comfortable on the phones and can book quality appointments for myself from fresh leads, but my concern is that if I could out source it, I could run more appointments in the time that I am currently spending on the phone.

I haven't bought any pre-set appointments for final expense yet but I have had some real garbage in the mortgage protection and annuity arena with them and had so called "appointments" with people that never wanted to meet anyone and had no clue why I was there and wouldn't even let me in the house so I'm afraid of getting burned again.

One thing that did work for me in the past was I had local college student come in and call my leads for me for 10 hours a week while I was out on appointments and she was very good at filling in my schedule with quality appointments. The difference here though was that I trained her myself and she was calling fresh leads. She left to do a college semester over seas but is home now so I am considering hiring her back as well.

Again, I've heard a lot of good things about "hoosierdaddy" on this forum (I've been lurking for a while) and look forward to speaking with him. He is obviously successful with what he is doing.

Thanks again for your response and have a great weekend !

I saw a post that said the person did a 1000 mailer drop for final expense got 10-15 leads back and bought the list the mailer was sent to and called those folks.

This might be the way to go. Seems like the best of both worlds.
Thanks for your response ! I sent an email to "hoosierdaddy" hoping to hear from him soon.

I have mixed feelings on the pre-set appointments, I am very comfortable on the phones and can book quality appointments for myself from fresh leads, but my concern is that if I could out source it, I could run more appointments in the time that I am currently spending on the phone.

I haven't bought any pre-set appointments for final expense yet but I have had some real garbage in the mortgage protection and annuity arena with them and had so called "appointments" with people that never wanted to meet anyone and had no clue why I was there and wouldn't even let me in the house so I'm afraid of getting burned again.

One thing that did work for me in the past was I had local college student come in and call my leads for me for 10 hours a week while I was out on appointments and she was very good at filling in my schedule with quality appointments. The difference here though was that I trained her myself and she was calling fresh leads. She left to do a college semester over seas but is home now so I am considering hiring her back as well.

Again, I've heard a lot of good things about "hoosierdaddy" on this forum (I've been lurking for a while) and look forward to speaking with him. He is obviously successful with what he is doing.

Thanks again for your response and have a great weekend !

while i have never met "hoosierdaddy" i feel like i know him i think he is a god(little g) i would like someday to just walk in his shadow:SLEEP:it seem like i used a lot of i's dosent it i will try to do better:GEEK:
Don't waste your time on pre-set appointments. I set some with a company called Team Tech solutions, Justin Ortiz and Nena Pardue. Let me tell you all they have to do is be breathing and they set an appointment with them. I never had one conversation with anyone who had a clue. You might think it is better to farm it out to allow more time to sell, but the quality just won't be there.
The only one you can count on is you.
Sell over the phone and get quality HOT fresh Live Transfers or TeleMarketed Pre-Screened Leads.

If you are doing Face to Face - then get the leads and set the appointments yourself.

Appointment setters are not supposed to qualify - it's not their job. Their only job is to get agents in the door and typically they say things like "free assessment" or "free information."

If you're gonna run pre-set the goal is around 4 appointments a day and you close a few deals a week.

I see agents looking for "qualified" pre-set appointments. You only get those when you're doing the calls.