Final Expense Internet Leads

wrote 1 today, age 64, 10K Royal Neighbors Allweb leads, they had a promo for 5.50 a lead, FE only.
I stay local so I can door knock after the wave of phone calls.
Should write my second on Saturday, just before her age change
wrote 1 today, age 64, 10K Royal Neighbors Allweb leads, they had a promo for 5.50 a lead, FE only.
I stay local so I can door knock after the wave of phone calls.
Should write my second on Saturday, just before her age change

Do you do use the internet leads very often? I hadn't thought about door knocking them. Always called and got the "you're the 20th guy to call!"
I haven't targeted them for FE leads, but I do get them for higher risk cases regardless of what type of policy. I did end up writing a couple nice policies out of about do the math, that's a lot of calls and follow ups to only make 2 good sales.

I only get them locally so I can DK them. You will waist a lot of time trying to call and give quotes over the phone.
The allweb leads are filtered as final expense leads, just another source of a few leads, no luck with high risk leads.
The allweb leads are filtered as final expense leads, just another source of a few leads, no luck with high risk leads.

I will give them a call and see what they offer.

I use Netquote and landed a nice GUL $3500 ap and one FE 25k out of it....but that took over 2 months to land out of 50 or so.