Final Rule For Health Insurance Exchanges

the feds will require biz to pay a penalty if they do not offer insurance.

Only groups of 50+

I ve been looking at defined contribution as a way to a biz owner's heart

Health insurance is a way to compensate employees on a tax favored basis. If the govt provides a way for employees to purchase health insurance with subsidies I see no reason for employers to offer coverage. For some employees, their net cost of Exchange insurance will be less than their contribution to an employer plan.

Att, IBM and several other corps have already have spoken of dropping their employer health plans and simply paying the penalty, which is allowed in the bill as passed, but will also in my opinion be the achilles heel which absolutely sinks the whole thing

There are plenty of flaws in the design of Obamneycrap. This is just one of them.

The yet to be determined mandate is another.

And the elephant in the room is how to fund this monstrosity.
Bob your last statement rings so true. Show me the money which is the oil in the gears of this thing. Wheres the money going to come from? A national value added tax? Where is the political will ever for that? I thoought Obamacare was to be deficit neutral? Its alteady trillions in debt. Mandate or no mandate there isnt the money nor political will to fund this bill. Implosion anyone? How can this law not implode from its own pricetag?
the money will come from the "savings" they are about to extort from the system, at least I hope not anyway.
The savings is illusory and the money is illusory since the govt just borrows from the future to pay for the present. Someday China is going to get tired of bankrolling this...